Monday, August 13, 2007


The blog has been silent, eerily silent. Why is that you may ask? Because I haven't done anything. Literally all I did was work, come home, and watch pre-recorded episodes of "The 4400" and "Psych". I haven't done anything with Daddy either!

Ended up not going to Fetishcon, not that I had my heart set on it, but it would have been a great blog! Irregardless of that, the kitty pictures will be slow in coming as life has once again thrown me a curve ball. I will try and get it together PDQ (Pretty Damn Quick). Until then, bitch at Daddy for not spending time with the kitty. Not my fault! Remember Wednesdays and Fridays kids. Those are the days that kitty gets to take a break away from "The Man". :o) Black people are funny.

Kitty's dogies are feeling "rumblys in their tumblys", and have exploded all over the house. GiGi got tired of cleaning the shrapnel, and slacked off which caused Kitty to go into an enraged cleaning spree. Kitty doesn't want to talk about it. The doggies should be fine within the week, God willing.

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